Grandma’s Angel

I always wondered why grandma had that mark on her knee. Mom never told me. Every time I ask her she says, “You’re too young to understand.”

As we turn onto my grandparents driveway that’s all I can think about. Well mom can’t say that now, I’m 18. Grandma has always been open with me, I can ask her a million questions and she’ll answer all of them.

I see grandpa on the lawnmower. The smell of grass is my favorite. Even though, the south can be boring if you don’t have anything to do, but I love the quietness.

Waking up to the sound of crickets, not sirens. The smell of dew in the early morning. Actually seeing the stars at night. Coming down to my grandparent’s house always makes me happy, the open space.

I roll down my window and stick my head out. Grandpa always cuts the grass when he knows we are on our way because I told him I love the smell of fresh grass.

“Hey Grandpa!” I yell from the car.

“Girl, he can’t hear you and don’t go distracting my father. He needs to focus, you’ll have time to say hi when we get inside.

I looked at mom to make sure she didn’t catch me rolling my eyes. She didn’t.

Dad parks by the house. I see the Dogwood tree that grandpa and I planted last year. Everything looks the same. Right in the back, I see the pear tree and grape vine. I can’t wait to eat from them. The fruit is always so much sweeter down here.

I hop out of the car. I see grandpa by the shed locking it up. I remember when me and some of my cousins were kids we tried to sneak in that shed. One night we did and grandpa was waiting. We had our flashlights out and as we were walking in, I see something. My cousin Terry yells, it’s a bear, we run out. Grandpa was dressed in a bear costume and scares us big times. He knew we were coming.

“How are my favorite people?” Grandpa opens his arms and I embrace him.

“We are good papa, how are you?”

“I’m hanging in there baby, taking one day at a time.” I see more wrinkles than the last time. His glasses are still big along with his smile.  He has on a plain button up, with khaki pants.

I watch them go into the house but grandpa is taken smaller steps then usually.

The smell of the apple pie fills the room, my grandparents know the key to my heart. I know grandma is in there cooking a Thanksgiving meal.

I find grandma in the kitchen as expected. I see her sprinkle some kind of spice in the big pot. Grandma is only 5 feet but she knows how to make her way around the kitchen. If she has to she will pull out a stool in a minute.

“Hey Babies, come on in and give me a big hug. I’ve been waiting for you guys.” She takes off her apron and walks over to us. Her salt and pepper hair is glowing as the sun peeps through the blinds. She has on a blue dress that hits her ankles. I know she made it, I can tell. She tells me all the time don’t waste my time going to the store.

The love my grandparents have for us fills the room. I always love being here, I don’t ever feel like I need to be anywhere else in the world. She comes to me and smiles. I hug her, she smells like honey and fresh fruit.

“Megan, you done got so big. Oh my lord, look at you. David you better start getting your gun ready. These little boys gonna be after her soon.” As Grandma says that Grandpa hits my dad’s shoulders.

“Don’t worry Mrs. Sharon, I have my gun ready. Mr. Louis already taught me how to use it.”  He winks at grandpa.

We all laugh. If they only knew I had a boyfriend, they would all flip.

Grandma ties her apron back around her waist. “Rebecca and Megan, start putting the plates, silverware and napkins on the table. I’ll start bringing the pots.”

Dad and grandpa head to the living room while the women of the house get everything together. Mom gets the plates and I get the silverware. I help grandma bring the hot pots to the table, and mom gets the lemonade and water from the fridge.

“Is that everything grandma?” I ask her, as she brings the last pot to the table.

“Yes baby, go get your father and grandpa.”

I yell, “Come on guys, it’s time to eat.”

Grandpa is struggling to get out of the seat, so I walk over to help him get up.

“Thank you, these bones of mine are getting old.” He smirks at me but I know it’s true.  We walk arm in arm into the dining room.

“Rebecca, can you say grace please?”

She takes a deep breathe, “Thank you Lord, for bringing us down here safely. Thank you for my family whom I love so much. Thank you for blessing my parents and keeping them strong. Continue to watch over David and Megan. And bless this food that has been prepared for us,  in Jesus name. Amen.”

“Amen.” Now it’s time to eat. Grandma made all of my favorites, candied yams, potato salad, collard greens, ham, homemade biscuits with honey and butter dripping from the corner. I was starving. On the plane ride, all I had was some peanuts and a ginger ale.

No one is talking, everyone is eating. Everyone looks happy.


“Louis and David, Megan will bring you all dessert. Let us women have some alone time.” Grandpa and dad head to the living room.

Grandma passes me two slices of apple pie and ice cream. I take it to them and comeback to help mom and grandma.

“How’s everything Megan? Are you ready to go to college?” Grandma asks me as she starts cleaning the pots.

“Yes! I’m so excited but nervous at the same time.”

Mom looks at me, “I wish you were staying in the city or at least closer to home. California is so far away.” She doesn’t want me to go far but UCLA was one of the few colleges that offered me a full scholarship for Tennis. They have a winning team, so of course I want to go there.

“Baby it’s too late now, she’s going. All you can do is pray for her.”

“I know ma but it’s hard. I just want to be close so if anything happens I don’t have to take a plane.” She puts her head down and continues to wash the plates.

Grandma walks over to my mom. She dries her hands on her apron and lifts my mom’s head. “Megan is a wonderful girl, she’s smart, well-mannered and I know she will be just fine. I know that because you raised her. David is a great father, so I know no matter how far she goes, she will remember everything you guys taught her.”

Grandma was right, I knew better and I knew I would be fine. I have a couple of friends who are going to UCLA as well. So I won’t be completely by myself plus a cousin of mine lives in Cali. I can’t knock my parents for worrying but everything will be okay.

“Thanks ma I needed that.” She leans over and gives grandma a kiss on her forehead.

“I will be fine guys, I will call you every day! Well every other day.” We all laugh.

“Just remember Megan, not everyone is your friend and be careful of those boys.”

Grandma comes over to me, “Let’s have a small talk, Rebecca finish up the kitchen. Me and Megan are going to my room.”

I don’t know why but Mom gave strange.

We go to my grandparent’s room. I use to love coming in here when I was younger it was so big. I would try to climb in the bed but it was so high, I never could get up there. They have pictures of me , my parents, family members ,President Obama, Malcolm X and Rosa Parks. I can tell that the quilt on their bed grandma made just by the colors. Almost everything in their house she sewed or grandpa built.

“Sit on the bed, while I get this photo album.” She gets this huge book and sits next to me.

“Here it is.” She stares at this particular picture for about 5 second then she hands it to me.

“Who is this nana?”

“It’s me and my sister Angel.”

“You had a sister? I thought it was just you, Uncle Ben and Aunt Jess.”

A sad look came across her face. I never saw her this sad before.

“I know. I had a sister name Angel. She was about 14 years old in this picture. I was 16. We were like two peas in a pod. We did everything together. She was my best friend.”

“What happened to her? Mom never mentioned an Aunt Angel.”

Well your mom didn’t know her but I told her about Angel when she was younger because she reminds me of her so much. Vibrate, determined. I guess God sent me your mother because I was lost.”

“Angel and I would go to the store together and get groceries for our folks. Our mom was very ill, so my dad would write a list and make us go to the store. Back then there was still segregation. So there was only one store in town owned by a white family called the Jones. They had a son name Donald who was 15 years old. I always caught him and Angel smiling at each other. The Jones were nice people but they didn’t want a black girl with their son.”

“I would rush Angel out of the store so his parents wouldn’t catch on. I remember one day I slept in late and she went to the store by herself. She came home talking about all the free candy Donald gave her. I told her not to get too friendly with him but of course she wouldn’t listen. So one day we were leaving the store and Donald’s friends were outside of the store.”

One yelled, “I heard that nigger likes Donald. You think her sister will like me.” They all started laughing. Donald was standing there not saying a word.

Angel and I kept walking. The one who made the comment, kept talking, “You heard me niggers. Your white boy can’t save you.”

Angel turned around and said, “No one wants you! Now leave us alone.” I wish she didn’t say anything but she was the feisty one.

At this point, the boys got up. Donald was telling them to relax. The one boy said, “Oh yeah, come here.” They all started chasing us. Angel and I ran as fast as we could. It’s only two of us and four of them. We dropped all of the groceries and ran through the woods. We could hear them laughing in the background. I tripped over a rock. I couldn’t get up, I looked at my knee and it was bleeding badly. Angel stopped to check on me.

“Get up, they are coming!”

“I can’t Angel, just go, run.” We were both scared at this point. We looked up and the boys were right there. Donald as well.

Donald yells, “Just leave them alone. They weren’t bothering you none.”

“No we have to teach them a lesson. The one that likes you ain’t hurt yet.” Four of them start walking faster towards Angel. I try to stand up but I couldn’t.

“Leave her alone, she ain’t do nothing.” I start hopping over to them, the boys start pushing her. Donald is just standing there. I try to stop them but they start pushing both of us. I fall.

I try to get up, I scream, “Leave her alone, please.” I hear a thump.

The boys run and I look over at Angel she isn’t moving. Donald is shaking her. I walk over, her eyes weren’t moving. I put my ear to her mouth but I felt nothing.

 “Donald do something, please.” I’m crying and punching his back. It’s his fault my sister isn’t breathing.”

Grandma starts to cry, I start to rub her back. I never saw her this upset.

“He gave her CPR, but at this point it was too late. I saw blood coming from her head. When they were pushing her she fell and hit her head really hard on a rock. Back then they didn’t have any experienced black doctors and they didn’t have many white doctors that would help black people. I will never forget that day. My folks didn’t blame me for her death but I blamed myself. I wish she would have listened to me maybe she would be here today.

She takes a moment.

I think about Angel every day, especially when I look at this mark on my knee. I know she is watching over me and my family. I learned from that situation that family is very important. All we want in life is for our loved ones to be safe and to make the right decisions. I always thought to myself that I should have told my parents about Donald and Angel. But if I did, it probably would have made things worst. Everything happens for a reason Megan. Your parents want you to be safe, they love you. Me and your grandpa love you too. Just always remember to pray. ”

“I will Grandma, I promise.” I give her a hug. Now I realize that this is the moment I have been waiting for. She waited until I was old enough to understand. I am no longer a little girl but a growing woman.

The 2 Train

She is the type that likes going to museums, I can tell. But me on the other hand, you can find in the strip club with my homeboys. I rather have a stripper’s ass in my face than look at a sculpture. Mom dukes says that’s my problem. “You can’t find a decent girl because you always in the streets.” I know she’s right but some strippers actually only strip for their college tuition.

I would stop going to the strip club for this one girl. She sparks my interest. I always see her when I’m on my way to school. There is something about her I like, maybe it’s her style. She must work on Wall Street or something. The way she dresses confirms my theory.

I know she would be surprised if she knew I was getting my Masters. Most people are but what can I say, I’m a hood dude but I’m book smart. Mom had to raise my sister and me on her own because pops got caught out there. He is spending his life in prison for some dumb shit. I could have ended up like him but that fast life gets annoying and dried up real fast.

Mom would like ‘the 2 train girl.’ I need to find out her name.

The one time I could have gotten the chance to ask, I didn’t. I was sitting down reading my book when she came into my car. There were no seats so I politely asked her if she wanted to sit.

She looked at me surprisingly and said, “Are you sure? I see you are studying and I don’t want to disrupt.”

“Nah it’s cool, I’m a gentleman.”

We smiled at each other. I went to stand by the door as she sat down and pulled out her hot pink headphones.

I could have continued the conversation but girls don’t want a guy that ‘sweats them,’ so I left it at that.

Today is the day though. Today is the day I talk to her. I mean it’s my last week of school anyway so I probably won’t see her. I’m a little nervous because I can tell she is different. I also have a presentation to do, so I’m trying to remain cool and confident. I’m glad my professor put me in a group with people who actually care about their grades. I hate working with people who are lazy.

Mondays are always annoying, so being able to speak to her would put me at ease.

Damn, its 8:35 a.m., I should have left at 8:25.

I spray some cologne on, and rush out the door.  Spending down the block, I get to the stairs in the station I hear, “Stand clear of the closing doors please.”

Swish, I take out my metro card and swipe. I see ‘2 train girl,’ holding the door for me.

“Thank you,” as I run onto the train. This should be easy.

“No problem.”

I dig in my pocket and get a tissue to wipe my face.

Then I hear, “You look very nice today. Isn’t it too early for a date?” I look up and I catch her looking me up and down.

Is she beating me at my own game?! “Every morning I have to make sure I look good. I never know if I’m going to see you.”

She blushes. Got her.

“Ha-ha but you really look nice.” She leans in. “You smell good too, what is that Burberry?”

“Wow, good guess. How do you know?

“I’m a manager at Macys in the cologne/perfume department.”

“A girl after my own heart. I do have a date with this presentation I have to do. So I have to look my best,” I say as I wink at her.

“You’re in school? What kind of presentation?” She looked really interested.

“I graduate next semester with my Masters in Business Management. The presentation is basically about large corporations coming in and making small businesses disappear. My group and I want to create something where smaller businesses can make a profit off of larger one. For example if Walmart comes to Harlem and I’m a small business owner, I should be able to have at least one stock in Walmart, if I sell my business. So at the end of the day, I will have some money coming in.”

“Wow that’s great. My dad had a small business in Harlem but of course he sold his business. I wish I would have known more about finance but I decided to take sociology.  Now I know someone who can help huh?” She bumps her shoulder onto mine.

“You do but we don’t know each other’s name. I’m Derrick and yours.” I grab her hand and shake it.

“I’m Allison.” I laughed because that’s such a white girl name for such a black girl.

“I know, Allison. Most people double take when I say my name but it’s real.”

“Well nice to meet you Allison. Allison and Derrick, sounds cute.”

“Real cute because for a minute there, I didn’t think I would ever get this much out of you,” says Allison.

“Really? I’m a cool dude though.”

“I see. You are cool right now. I hope you stay that way.”

“I’m not only cool but I’m handsome.” She rolls her eyes but laughs. “How about this, we exchange contact information and we go out. You like museums right?” I take my wallet out and get my business card to give to her.

She takes my card and hands me hers. “Yes I like museums but I’m also down for a strip club too.”

“Word, I would have never thought.” Damn I might like this girl.

“Can’t judge a book by its cover. But this is my stop Derrick, don’t forget to text me. Oh yeah good luck on your presentation!”

As the doors close, she winks at me and walks away.

I look at the business card she gives me. Damn her real name is Allison.

The Mac Boys

“Yo Sam, I need a favor.”

Paul’s eyes started twitching, I knew he was in trouble. He is looking outside my window as if someone is watching him.

His forest green collared shirt matched his dark blue jeans and Nikes. One thing about us Mac boys, we know how to dress. We could be having the worst day but you couldn’t tell looking at our outfits.

I know my brother too well, something is wrong. What do I expect, he was a drug dealer. He was never safe in or out of the game. Right now watching him, rub his sweaty palms, something is up.

“Paul what’s wrong? I hope you aren’t still gang banging. We lost too many people.”

“Don’t you think I know that? I‘m just trying to do the right thing.”

“You said that last year, when Keith died. Paul, I’m telling you now, I refuse to bury you or visit you in jail for some bullshit.” The look he gave me after I said that, was as if I had five heads. Paul knew what I was saying was true whether he wanted to listen to me or not.

I’m not innocent, I use to be right with Paul but I changed. Once I found Jenny, that shit wasn’t my life anymore.

“You sound like mama right now. The last thing I need is a lecture ight.”

I stepped back because I refuse to have an argument while Jenny is sleep. “Paul, you got it, what do you need?”

“I need $1,500.00.”

I’m trying to hold my composure. “The hell, you need that much money for!?”

“I just need it.”

“You think I just walk around with that kind of money?”

Mama must have spoken to him recently because I got a promotion. She is always bragging about my life to Paul. I wish she would stop doing that. Paul wouldn’t have ended up going down this path if she didn’t enable him. Yeah I sold drugs for a minute, but I saved that money. On the other hand Paul, he loves that lifestyle. I was always known as the ‘good son,’ Paul felt like he couldn’t even compare.

I don’t know how we turned out so differently but we did. Pops wasn’t around but I didn’t let that affect me. We both wanted to be better than him but somehow ended up just like him. I just didn’t take that long to change.

No matter what, mama always tells me to look out for him. I just hope me giving him this money is for something good. I can’t play with this money, I have a child on the way.Jenny just won’t know at least for tonight.

“Sam, trust me.”

“Fine, stay right here.”

One of the biggest kingpins in New York was my mentor. He gave me a safe when I first started working for him. This safe, no one knows the code but me and him. That’s exactly, where I keep my gun and money. Jenny doesn’t even know I have a gun, that’s something she will never know. I take out $750, I trust Paul but then I don’t. Walking back into the living room, I see Paul is still standing by the window.

“Here is $750.00. Come to me in two days and I’ll give you the rest.”

“Thanks bro. I will pay you back.”

“I hope so.” He hugs me. We haven’t hugged since we were kids… He smells like cigarettes. I get this weird feeling but I shake it off.

He walks out the door and nods as he pushes the door to the staircase.

Closing the door I hear, “What did your brother want this time?” Jenny has her arms folded. I know she is pissed but I have to ignore her little attitude. I didn’t even hear her wobble her preggo butt into the living room.

“Nothing baby, just to talk.” I try to get her mind off of it. I don’t want to argue, so I start rubbing her shoulders and kissing her neck.

“Don’t try to butter me up.”

“I’m not, you and the baby need to get some rest.” I take her hand and we start walking towards the bedroom.

Pow Pow.

My heart jumps.

“What the hell was that?” I motion for Jenny to stay put but I can tell she is scared. There was a time when I had to run from bullets.

I run to the window. I see two guys running, someone is on the ground. The street light is shining on the person’s shirt. I can’t make out color…waitttt…its forest green. Paul!!!

“Baby call 911!!!! I think they shot Paul.”

Jenny looks so nervous, “Oh my God, I’m calling right now.”

I grab my keys off the counter and run down the steps. I just hear people screaming, I’m hoping he isn’t dead.

As I push open the door, I notice Shannon aka the neighborhood crack head. This is the first time in years, I’ve seen Shannon cry. The last time she did was when her kids died. I ran over to him and Shannon has his head in her lap. Paul looks at me and faintly smiles.

“Paul where does it hurt?” I lift up his shirt and see blood coming from his side. I take my hoodie off and try to apply pressure.

“You have people after you? Why didn’t you tell me?”

“You have Jenny and my future nephew or niece to worry about. “

I don’t move him, just watch him. I hear the ambulance. A few seconds later, two EMS workers run over to Paul. Two officers are right behind them.

I step back and let the EMS workers do their job. In the midst of this, cops start asking Paul questions.

I turn to the EMS worker, “What hospital are you taking him to?”

“Mount Sinai.”

“Okay thank you.” I turn back to Paul, “I’ll meet you there. Let me just get my cell phone.”

“I’m fine Sam.”

“Stop being stubborn, I’m coming just give me 15 minutes.”

“Okay.” As they put him on the stretcher, I walk back to the door. There’s a folded paper on the ground just where we were. I pick it up.

The paper reads, “Bursar Office: For all of your classes the cost is $1,500.00. It needs to be paid in full by September 15th.”
Confused, I watch the EMS put Paul in their truck. I realize my brother is really trying to get his life together.

No one is going to mess with his second chance. No one.
My gun is definitely, coming with me to the hospital.

—-Seymone Kelly

His Scent

Dad opens the door and appears to be giving someone a hug. I can’t tell who it is because mom has me fluffing the pillows on the sofa. I hear the door slam and then a voice. It sounds very familiar but I can’t tell who it is.

I hear two sets of footsteps coming towards the living room. As I look up I see Mark. He has on dark blue jeans which are cuffed at the bottom. His plaid navy shirt fits loosely but tight on his body, showing all of his muscles.

The birthday boy aka dad is smiling ear to ear. Dad got stuck with me and Grace, so Mark is like the son, he always wanted. I mean I was the tomboy growing up. I use to get down and dirty with the boys. Baseball, basketball, I was on almost every sport’s team. You would even catch me not wearing deodorant. Eventually I figured out that was something I had to change because guys wanted someone that smelled better than them.

I begin to fix my dress because being bent over all day, it’s wrinkled. As soon as I look up I catch Mark watching me. We smile at each other. I could never really look him in the eyes. I felt like he was looking into my soul.

Mark walks over to mom and gives her a kiss on the cheek. I love watching Mark walk, so confident and sexy.

As they converse in the living room, I quietly leave because I realize I haven’t even started dad’s favorite dessert, banana pudding.

I remember when I first met Mark. It was in my freshman English class at NYU. Both English majors, so our connection was always through poetry and philosophy. We never took it to the next level but that didn’t mean, we never flirted. I mean, we both make little comments here and there but neither of us have acted on it. I guess we are afraid. No one wants to deal with the drama of being friends first then lovers. So much stuff happens. But then again, that is what makes it so exciting. Five years later, we are still friends and my family still loves him.

Occasionally, I’ll rub his beard or he’ll grab my hand. Innocent, pure innocent gestures when no one is watching. Or if they are, he’ll do it in a way where it’s playful. That’s just how we are. Very discreet movements like a mouse moving quietly trying to get the cheese without being caught.

Searching through kitchen, for all the ingredients, I finally find the bananas in the fridge. I know that’s where mom usually puts them if no one eats them quickly enough. That lady is a trip.

I start to peel the first banana and I feel someone watching me. As I turn, it’s Mark. Our eyes lock, I feel hot. He winks at me and slowly walks over. The smell of his cologne fills up the kitchen. Last Christmas, I brought him that limited edition cologne. At the time, I was working for Macys so of course, I got a discount. When he opened his gift, he hugged me so tightly. I will never forget the smile on his face. His dad brought him his first cologne when he turned sixteen. Every year, his dad would get him a different cologne. After his father died, I knew something like that would be even more special.

Since then, I’ve noticed every time he is around me he wears it. I know he does it on purpose. There is only one person I know that hates it, Grace. “I can’t wait till that cologne is gone, he wears it all the time.” She’s just mad I got it before she could.

Mark then stands behind me, not close but I can feel his body heat. He leans in. I feel his breathe on my neck, it’s warm. My heart is beating fast. I’m trying to focus on cutting the bananas without losing a finger. I can hear his lips part slowly, “Faith.” He then puts one hand on my shoulder, the other hand is traveling down my back. I place the knife down and turn to him. I rub my finger across his lips. He smiles. My tongue travels across his neck. I move to his earlobe and bite it softly. I feel his heart beating fast, as he places both hands on my face. He slowly aligns our faces in front of each other. Our lips touch. We share the same air for a quick second. Then we kiss, it’s intense, our bodies have been craving for this.

“WHAT THE HELL!” We turn around abruptly to find my sister standing in the door way.

“I can explain.” But I can’t. I’m at a loss for words. She looks at me then at Mark then back at me. She stares at us for about, I don’t know how long. Grace runs out.

“Grace come back!” I yell to her, but all I hear is the door slam. As I attempt to catch her, Mark grabs me quickly.

I jump up. I’m sweating, I’m confused. I look around and I’m in my room.

Then I realize, it was Grace shaking me out of my sleep. When we catch eyes, she stands over me with her arms folded.

“Girl, what in the world were you dreaming about?”

Trying to get my thoughts together I answer, “Nothing important.” She looks at me strangely and leaves the room.

At this point, I realize Mark has to choose between me or my sister.

My New Project

If anyone reading this is trying to achieve their dreams, you know very well it isn’t easy. It takes a lot of hard work, patience and determination. I started and finished writing my first book last year.  So much has been happening in my life that I put it off to the side. Even though it’s finished in my eyes, it still needs more work.

With that being said, I decided to start a series where I post my own short stories on my blog. All of the stories are fiction but are inspired by different things.

By creating this series, I’m challenging the writer in me. Most of you know me as being a poet or blogger but there are no boundaries when it comes to being a writer.

While I continue to work on my first book, once a month, I will have a new story that I have written on my blog.

At the end of the day, my audience is you, so I want nothing but honesty. Give me all of your feedback because it will make me a better writer.  


Thank You

Seymone K.

21st -25th

Feb 21st- Little Known Black History Fact
“In 1926, Dr Carter G. Woodson initiated Negro History Week  in order to bring national attention to the contributions of black people throughout American History.”

Feb 22nd – Meaningful Quote by an African American
“Follow your instincts. That’s where true wisdom manifests itself.” -by Oprah Winfrey

Feb 23rd- Influential Black Organization- NAACP

Feb 24th – African American Publication -Black Enterprise Magazine

Feb 25th – Fashion Inspired by African American Culture

Feb 15th -20th

Feb 15th- Successful Black Business Owner (Robert L. Johnson,creator of BET & founder/chairman of the RLJ Cos. the hotel investment company)

Feb 16th-HBCU (Hampton University)

Feb 17th- Invention by An African American (Garrett Morgan invented the gas mask, traffic lights & etc.)

Feb 18th- Favorite book written by an African American (Kindred by Octavia Butler)
Kindred book cover

Feb 19th-Cuisine inspired by African American culture (Soul Food)

Feb 20th- Black Art