Peace Of Mind by Ferima Faye

Make sure you guys check out my friend’s new video Ms. Ferima Faye. Also ‘Like’ her facebook music page. She is so talented and I’m so proud of her! She is fulfilling her dreams and is remaining herself. Also check out my past post featuring her with some photos I took of her 🙂

A Walk & Talk w/ FerimaFaye

Definition of a ‘Bad Female’

With Michael Jackson’s song “I’m Bad” to Usher’s “Bad Girl” they have changed the meaning of the term bad. As well as “Good Girl Gone Bad,” one of Rihanna’s top selling albums title.  A lot of females call themselves bad but the majority of their ‘badness’ is determined by their weave, fake nails, big butt, big breast and small waist. Yup looks to them makes them BAD.

So I decided to ask my guy friends what they thought a bad female was. To my surprised they said everything but their looks. That caught me off guard because if its not the looks guys look for where are women getting the idea of being bad is just the outer appearance.

I know some girls that do wear butt pads, that do love showing off their figure to attract a guy. I know guys who would see that same ‘butt-pad’ butt and talk to that same girl who is half naked and call her bad. This is where society’s stereotypes come in.

What we see on T.V is either you need to look like a video girl  having Kim Kardashian’s shape or be skinny like some of those Victoria Secret models. Your looks shouldn’t be the only thing that determines if you are ‘bad’ or not. So as I mentioned before here are the results I got from asking some of my guy friends below

-“In that aspect for me a bad sexy girl is a woman who is comfortable with her sexuality without being nasty”

-“Being the overall package having the personality to match her beauty& mind state of an adult who can have an    intelligent conversation”
-“Aura,walk body face. But if she is an airhead then it wipes out her sexy lol”

– My boyfriend’s answer was, she has to have confidence and it has to be shown from her actions. Example from how she walks, talks and carrys herself.

The answer that I was looking for was this, “always gonna be the typical answer…fat ass, “perfect” size breast, long hair, no stretch marks etc.”  Only 1 of my guy friends said this and I laughed because he said it as a joke. To my surprise my guy friends hardily mentioned anything about looks and went straight for the inner beauty. I feel if more guys would let that be know that not just the physical matter then more women wouldn’t want to go out and get plastic surgery to be that perfect beauty.

My definition of a bad woman is someone who is determined, independent, educated, a go getter, great personality, has goals and to add a little extra to their appeal looks is just something to bring to the table. After all that big butt, big breast and small waist  aren’t going to last forever..