Relationships & Social Networks

The key to a successful relationship is NOT TO SHARE EVERYTHING on social networks, w/ friends or etc. Keep things private and I’ll tell you why.  As soon as you allow your issues with your partner to be everyone’s business then it becomes everyone’s business. Left and right you are going to get advice or spreading your issues around. It’s ok if you choose to share with one person but even with that you have to be careful. Some people are spiteful and might try to ruin your relationship on purpose. You always have to be on your p’s and q’s even when you are in a relationship. You don’t want to ever stop trying because the moment you do, there will be someone else ready to take your spot.

You will be surprised at how many people you call your friends that are watching your every move. Even exs asking friends how you and your partner are doing on the low inquiring about your relationship status. The only people that matter in your relationship is you and your boo. That’s why if you guys are breaking up on Facebook every other week, then all lovey dovey in a statuses after, honestly no one wants to see that. Next thing you know a girl or guy is writing all over their page or liking all their pictures and you get mad. Why get mad when yall both have single on your page, so for this week he/she can do what they want…im just saying.

Even if you see someone calling your partner pet names, just ASK QUESTIONS! You don’t want to assume anything crazy and go off when it’s not that serious. But you do want to check it because we all know that people are quick to get you in trouble, even when you are on your best behavior.

If you want to vent, vent in a diary, to yourself or something lol. I mean you can’t get mad if you feel that behind closed doors you guys are in a relationship but on social networks you guys aren’t. Even by putting ‘in a relationship’ on Facebook doesn’t make your relationship real. It’s sad to say that a lot of people base their relationships on social networks. When back then when our parents were growing up if you were in love everyone just knew by word of mouth. I feel back then love, relationships and friendships meant more to people. Now people just want that image of perfection when we all know nothing is perfect. Social Networks give people a chance to hide behind a false facade.

Relationships aren’t easy but putting all your business on websites just make it harder for you to work through your problems. I say keep your business between you and your boo because you two know each other better than anyone else. Like they say, everyone has an opinion but you choose what’s best for you.


“So I Caught You Checking Her/Him Out!..Time For New Tricks”

You ever been with your boyfriend/girlfriend, someone you just talking too, ex or whatever (you get my drift) and you catch them side-eyeing a girl or guy that walks by? Yeah we all been there before. Even if we never caught them doing it, I’m sure if they were to see their favorite celebrity it would be more obvious.

I’m not saying you can’t look by all means do lol..aslong as you look and don’t touch. Keep it to a minium atleast while you around that person that you are either with or potientially will be. In your free time if you watch porn because you like fantazing about other women/men you dont want to say “Did you see the size of his (fill in the blank), its huge,” if front of your partner.

Yes it’s important to be as honest with your partner as you can but there’s a line to be drawn. You definitely dont want them to feel uncomfortable to the point that they are changing everything about themselves. You always have to make sure you tell them how much you love them for who they are.

Also if you are on the other end and you feel that they are more interested in other things. Try spicing up your relationship. Bring goodies, dress up,learn different tricks whatever you feel is right for you. You can still be yourself but add a little flavor. So next time you do catch them eyeing the next guy or girl that walks by, they know they got something better by their side.

Two Shoots + Last Week of 2011 = Great Start For 2012

So I did two shoots last week, one on thursday and the other on saturday. Yes I edited the photos the day after each shoot (I’m that good lol). But let me give you some info about the two people I shot:

Vision is a R&B soul artist from the BX..look out for his mixtape coming Valentine’s Day. Also his website is coming soon…We had fun on our shoot, we went to Yankee Stadium, then the westside of 125th street. Despite the rain being on and off, I was able to take some great shots.

My girl Khalia, launched her blog today! Make sure you visit it I took some photos for her so she could showcase her great style on her new fashion blog. We had a great time catching up and working together for this shoot.

Both of them are people you should look out for during 2012, they are talented and ready to take the world by storm :D.

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