Does plastic make perfect? I think…

When I was younger, I struggled with my weight. I was overweight in the 8th grade and wanted to look like the people I saw on television. I decided to join the tennis team in high school and began motivating myself to eat better. After I went from a size 16 to an 8, I became more confident in myself.

That was many years ago, but one thing that hasn’t changed is that the media is still constantly telling me what I should still look like. Look at Nicki Minaj. Her  “Barbie” appearance is one of the reasons why she is famous. Minaj wears wigs, colorful outfits and is known for her big butt. Nicki Minaj defended her Barbie obsession in an interview with Wonderland magazine by saying, “In terms of a body image, even male action figure dolls are cut up more than the average man – it’s just how people make dolls!”

Yet, she has turned her body into one that looks like this doll—and many of her fans would like to, as well. Many women want to get their breasts and buttocks done to look like her, even if the solution is to get surgery. According to figures from the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Americans spent more than $31 million on buttock augmentation surgeries in 2010, a 40 percent jump from the year before.

Another example of plastic surgery’s danger is the woman who has become an internet sensation, Sarah Burge. She is known as the “Human Barbie” because at 50-years-old, she has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in making herself look like a real-life one. For her daughter’s seventh birthday, she gave her a coupon for a breast job. Her daughter said in an interview that aired on daytime talk show The Doctors that the voucher, “is great because you can change yourself if you’re not happy.”

Who is to blame? We can all say that the society is at  fault, but this constant battle with body image starts with us. We as women should take a stand against this. There are other ways that women can help get their buttocks bigger—it’s called working out. There’s an exercise channel on cable with a program called “Butt Bible.” The trainer focuses on exactly what the title says. There is also a workout called Brazilian Butt Lift.

There are so many outlets for women to get our bodies in shape and toned that we don’t need to go under the knife to enhance anything. If more of us stand up against what we feel is wrong with plastic surgery, less women will be at risk of the dangerous procedure.